UPCX News for Believers - Today’s News, Tomorrow’s Payment Revolution
Official UPCX statement dispels rumors: Fake UPCX coins are being sold in the market, be careful not to be deceived.
OOffffiicciiaall UUPPCCXX ssttaatteemmeenntt ddiissppeellss rruummoorrss:: FFaakkee UUPPCCXX ccooiinnss aarree bbeeiinngg ssoolldd iinn tthhee mmaarrkkeett,, bbee ccaarreeffuull nnoott ttoo bbee ddeecceeiivveedd..

Official UPCX statement dispels rumors: Fake UPCX coins are being sold in the market, be careful not to be deceived.

According to the official announcement from the UPCX project, the market response to the UPCX project and its popularity are continuously increasing. However, it has recently been discovered that some people are impersonating official personnel, establishing fake/unofficial groups in the market to sell counterfeit UPCX coins. Currently, the official UPCX has not made any public sales of UPCX, including a series of issuances/fundraising activities.


The UPCX officials hereby call on all UPCX enthusiasts to be especially vigilant, to avoid being deceived and suffering financial losses.


The unique smart contract for the UPCX (UPC) Token is at the following address: 0x487d62468282Bd04ddf976631C23128A425555EE


**About UPCX**:

UPCX is a company that focuses on blockchain technology, dedicated to developing a high-speed blockchain open-source payment system. The company’s goal is to build a foundation for the new financial ecosystem, allowing everyone to access it securely and efficiently.

Official website: https://upcx.io/

X: https://x.com/Upcxofficial

X(upcxcmo): https://twitter.com/Yutaka_UPCXCMO

Telegram: https://t.me/UPCXofficial

Discord: https://discord.gg/YmtgK7NURF